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Andrew Ho

Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Andrew HoAndrew Ho is professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is a psychometrician whose research aims to improve the design, use, and interpretation of test scores in educational policy and practice. Professor Ho is known for his research documenting the misuse of proficiency-based statistics in state and federal policy analysis. He has also clarified properties of student growth models for both technical and general audiences. His scholarship advocates for designing evaluative metrics to achieve multiple criteria: metrics must be accurate, but also transparent to target audiences and resistant to inflation under perverse incentives.

Professor Ho is a member of the National Assessment Governing Board that sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress. He also chairs the Research Committee for the Harvard University Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, where he leads research initiatives in online learning at scale. He holds his PhD in educational psychology and his MS in statistics from Stanford University. Before graduate school, he taught middle school creative writing in his hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii, and high school physics and AP physics in Ojai, California.