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Paul LeMahieu

Senior Advisor to the President

Paul LeMahieuPaul G. LeMahieu is senior advisor to the president at the Carnegie Foundation and graduate faculty in the College of Education, University of Hawai‘i – Mānoa. LeMahieu served as superintendent of education for the State of Hawai‘i, the chief educational and executive officer of the only state system that is a unitary school district, serving 190,000 students; prior to that he was undersecretary for educational policy and research for the State of Delaware. He has been president of the National Association of Test Directors and vice president of the American Educational Research Association. He served on the National Academy of Sciences' Board on International Comparative Studies in Education, Mathematical Sciences Board, National Board on Testing Policy, and the National Board on Professional Teaching Standards.

Paul’s current professional interests focus on the adaptation of improvement science methodologies for application in networks in education. He is a co-author of the book Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better (2015), and lead author of the volume Working to improve: Seven approaches to quality improvement in education (2017). He is currently working on a book entitled Assessing to improve: Practical measurement for improvement (forthcoming).

Paul has a doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Pittsburgh, a master’s (M.Ed.) from Harvard University, and a bachelor’s (A.B.) from Yale College.