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Claire Silva

Carnegie National Faculty

Claire SilvaClaire Silva works as a project support coach for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), managing strategic plan project teams. Her work includes the design and implementation of innovation and improvement efforts tackling longstanding system-wide problems of practice. She supports the use of continuous improvement methodologies including agile project management, systems thinking, and improvement science. Claire provides data coaching to support the identification and collection of measures for reporting on scale and impact. She manages the HUB of a School Improvement & Innovation Plan Network Improvement Community (SIIP NIC) of 6 elementary schools aimed at shifting the school improvement process from static to dynamic using iterative cycles of improvement. She is a member of the George Mason University/FCPS iLEAD partnership.

Claire taught biology & oceanography for fourteen years in both high school classroom and online environments. As an instructional coach for Fairfax, she developed 41 collaborative teams within a high needs high school using data and coaching. As a data specialist, she developed a data literacy curriculum and provided system-wide professional development on using data to inform instructional decision making. Silva earned a bachelor’s degree in zoology from the University of Rhode Island, and a masters in education administration & supervision from the University of Virginia.