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Erin Henrick

Carnegie National Faculty

Erin Henrick

Erin Henrick is a senior lecturer in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organization at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. Dr. Henrick is also president of Partner to Improve, an education research and consulting group supporting improvement and systemic change in education through powerful partnerships. Dr. Henrick is an Research Practice Partnerships (RPPs) researcher, evaluator, and professional development provider. Prior to evaluating RPPs, Dr. Henrick was a researcher on a 10-year NSF funded RPP (known as MIST) focused on improving math instruction across large urban districts. She co-authored the book Systems for Instructional Improvement-Creating Coherence from the Classroom to the District Office. Dr. Henrick received her Ed.D. in Leadership, Policy, and Organization from Vanderbilt University.