The Carnegie Foundation catalyzes transformational change in education so that every student has the opportunity to live a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling life.
We work closely with educators, district leaders, policymakers, businesses, and innovators from public, private, and nonprofit sectors. We’d love for you to join us.
Organizing in networks is not a new idea. But the joining together of improvement science and networks affords great promise for accelerating educators’ efforts to improve our nation’s schools. Learn more about networked improvement communities.
Carnegie is developing an information system that integrates real-time faculty and student data with institutional records to inform continuous improvement for the Pathways network.
For many years, educational researchers have worked with program designers and implementers in pursuit of what has been called fidelity of implementation. Simply put, this has involved the application of numerous tools and procedures designed to ensure that implementers replicate programs exactly as they were designed and intended. There is…