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Carnegie Foundation Inspires Change in The Learning Forward Journal’s June Edition

Valeria Brown, Carnegie’s Future of Learning Director, has authored a thoughtful piece titled “Are We Really Centering Students in Professional Learning?”. In this article, Val explores the educational challenges faced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a loss of connection with their schools. In reflecting on her own experience as a parent, she questions the traditional “adult-centric” approach to learning and the ways it crowds out the voices and perspectives of young people. 

Meanwhile, Ash Vasudeva, our Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, sheds light on the innovative collaborations between school districts and higher education institutions aimed at improving teacher preparation, professional development, and student achievement. Ash presents a compelling case for prioritizing and investing in district-university partnerships to ultimately improve student outcomes—a call to action answered by Carnegie Foundation’s work with the National Center for University-District Partnerships.