The Carnegie Foundation catalyzes transformational change in education so that every student has the opportunity to live a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling life.
We work closely with educators, district leaders, policymakers, businesses, and innovators from public, private, and nonprofit sectors. We’d love for you to join us.
This is just a preview of what’s included in our December newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, Every year, I read poetry in December. It started as a way to briefly untether from the tsunami…
This is just a preview of what’s included in our October newsletter. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, By 2030, the activities that account for an estimated 30% of working hours could be automated by AI. The labor market implications are staggering. Approximately 12 million U.S. workers may have…
This is just a preview of what’s included in our September newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, Across the nation, in districts large and small, extraordinary work is taking place to ensure learning is increasingly…
This is just a preview of what’s included in our August newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, If you look closely at the landscape of secondary schooling across the nation, you will see a sea…
At Carnegie, the heart of our work is to make education a much more powerful engine of economic opportunity for all. We are working to transform the American high school, partnering with the XQ Institute, pathfinding educators, school systems, and states and leading institutions across the nation.
At the end of a demanding and dynamic school year, we naturally want to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. My thoughts also turn to the hundreds of thousands of teachers and mentors – in classrooms, after-school programs, and internships, at work and volunteer opportunities, and on practice fields –…
Last month, I had the pleasure of being part of a fireside chat with Russlynn Ali (CEO, XQ Institute) and Tom Vander Ark (CEO, Getting Smart). In the session, Russlynn reminded us the time is now to join together to transform secondary schooling, and those who engage, invest, and advocate…
At a time when our nation often seems so divided, consensus on anything can feel frequently out of reach, especially in discussions about education. However, if you look closely at some of the policies and practices enacted by schools, systems and states across the country, you will see remarkable unanimity…
While the value of a college degree is increasingly scrutinized in the public arena, it remains undeniable that a postsecondary education is a powerful lever for achieving social and economic mobility in the United States.
Below is Carnegie President Timothy Knowles’s opening to our February 2024 newsletter. Join our mailing list for additional resources and recommended reads. Sign Up for the Carnegie Foundation Newsletter Dear Friends and Colleagues,If you’ve had the chance to read any of the featured stories included in previous editions of this…
Below is Carnegie President Timothy Knowles’s opening to our January 2024 newsletter. Join our mailing list for additional resources and recommended reads. Sign Up for the Carnegie Foundation Newsletter Dear Friends and Colleagues,Happy New Year! I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday, stayed healthy, and are…
Below is Carnegie President Timothy Knowles’s opening to our December 2023 newsletter. Join our mailing list for additional resources and recommended reads. Sign Up for the Carnegie Foundation Newsletter Dear Friends and Colleagues, Every year in December, I read poetry. Poems help me slow down, listen, and think anew. Recently,…
Below is Carnegie President Timothy Knowles’s opening to our November 2023 newsletter. Click here to read the full newsletter, and join our mailing list for additional resources and recommended reads. Sign Up for the Carnegie Foundation Newsletter Dear Friends and Colleagues,At a time when our nation often seems so divided,…