Learning From Practice to Improve Practice
In a keynote address at the annual meeting of the Association of Community College Trustees in Dallas recently, Carnegie President Tony Bryk outlined for the Trustees how Carnegie is using improvement research in our work to improve the success rate of students in developmental math.
“We need to rethink how we innovate,” he said. “As educators, we are pragmatists. We see problems and we want to move quickly to solutions. But we also know from past experience that many solutions are rarely tested against evidence and we rarely rely on evidence to continuously improve them. We tend to put new programs in place and then move on.”
Bryk explained that Carnegie is challenging this way of working. He said that we know from 50 years of history at educational innovation that few things actually work as originally designed. That failures may occur is not the problem; that we fail to learn from them is.
In response, Carnegie embraces a quality improvement orientation, encouraging rapid cycles of change. If something doesn’t work, the process is to change it until we find something that does. “This entails a mind shift from seeing change as principally about managing the dynamics of large scale roll out toward seeing change as opportunities to learn to improve,” he said. “This learning from practice to improve is the surest mechanism for success.”
November 14, 2011
Good News from the Campuses We now have 30 colleges participating in our two networked improvement communities—22 in Statway™ and eight in Quantway™. There are 1200 students enrolled in 60 sections of Statway™, and Quantway goes live in classroom beginning in January. Over 80 faculty members are now network members,…
December 7, 2011
Joshua Glazer visited Carnegie recently to talk about ideas outlined in an article, “Reconsidering Replication: New Perspectives on Large-Scale School Improvement,” that was published in the Journal of Educational Change. Glazer is with The Rothschild Foundation in Jerusalem and his co-author Donald Peurach is with the School of Education at…