The Carnegie Foundation catalyzes transformational change in education so that every student has the opportunity to live a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling life.
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In a recent article, High Tech High faculty and administrators highlight how they used the tools and mindsets of improvement science to increase the number of African American and Latino male students who directly attend 4-year institutions.
A recent publication cautions against using existing measures around students' personal qualities because they were primarily designed for research. Rather, new measures, including practical measures, must be developed to provide insight into this aspect of learning.
Improvement science relies on an understanding of the problem before creating solutions. Groups have found three key things helped them gain clarity on the problems and make the knowledge explicit, helping them design solutions with users, data, and will in mind.
Senior lecturer Marshall Ganz closing keynote at the 2016 Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education focused on a framework for social action. Drawing on his own experience in social movements, Ganz talked of combining the power of the heart, head, and hands.
A recent post in the Health Affairs Blog discusses the challenges of scaling interventions, a problem known as the “Iron Law” of evaluation. The piece outlines four reasons why the “Iron Law” occurs and how we can reduce its effect.
Don Berwick, founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), gave an inspiring keynote at the Summit on Improvement in Education focusing on shifting from inspection-oriented improvement to change-oriented improvement to reach our goals.
Angela Duckworth gave a rousing keynote at the Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education presenting the value of grit and the ways that grit can be cultivated and developed.
During the opening keynote at Carnegie's Summit on Improvement in Education, Carnegie President Anthony S. Bryk advocated for a new way of learning to improve.
A look into how Carnegie is using design-based development to support our Networked Improvement Communities and the key design principles to help make the sites successful and useful for the users.
On March 3, Learning to Improve, a new book by Anthony S. Bryk, Louis M. Gomez, Alicia Grunow, and Paul G. LeMahieu, will be released. The book outlines how Networked Improvement Communities (NICs) offer a new model for improving our schools.
The Carnegie Foundation hosted an expert convening to focus on improving Title II by using improvement science tools to deepen our understanding of the problem the act is trying to solve.
A growing number of districts have adopted multi-rater evaluation systems, in which multiple observers watch, assess, and respond to teachers’ practice. While multi-rater systems are more complex, every district in this study reported many benefits.
Pathway faculty leaders are developing bridge courseware that can enable Pathways students to be eligible to take the math courses in STEM or business majors without having to enroll in an additional developmental math course.
Inside the Command Center, a recent piece in the Stanford Social Innovation Review by The Billions Institute co-founders Joe McCannon and Becky Kanis Margiotta 10 behaviors of organizations that move initiatives from theory to action.
Social Policy Senior Fellow Lisbeth Schorr and Carnegie Foundation President Tony Bryk's op-ed advocates for an expanded conception of rigorous evidence used to inform social spending.
Iterative testing from a Carnegie Alpha Lab practitioner-researcher partnership highlights the potential impact of a mindset intervention followed several weeks later by a utility value intervention administered online to reduce course dropout.