The Carnegie Foundation catalyzes transformational change in education so that every student has the opportunity to live a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling life.
We work closely with educators, district leaders, policymakers, businesses, and innovators from public, private, and nonprofit sectors. We’d love for you to join us.
In this conversation, Aurora Institute's Virgel Hammonds opens up about his professional journey, the Aurora Institute’s mission to transform K-12 education, and highlights the critical role of personalized, competency-based learning in fostering student success. He reflects on Aurora’s efforts to reshape education systems by partnering with policymakers, educators, and communities…{display:none;} This is just a preview of what’s included in our October newsletter. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, By 2030, the activities that account for an estimated 30% of working hours could be automated by AI. The labor market implications are staggering. Approximately 12 million U.S. workers may…
Photo Credit: American Council on Education In an open memo to the presidential candidates recently featured in the New York Times, the American Council on Education (ACE) highlights the pivotal role that postsecondary institutions play in shaping the nation’s social and economic landscape. With a focus on alleviating student debt,…
This is just a preview of what’s included in our September newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, Across the nation, in districts large and small, extraordinary work is taking place to ensure learning is increasingly…
Delve into this thoughtful Q&A with Dr. Bill Nicely, Educator-in-Residence for Real World Learning at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. In this conversation, Bill delves into the Real World Learning initiative, sharing the initiative’s origins, goals, and the remarkable impact of Market Value Assets on students in the Kansas City…
This is just a preview of what’s included in our August newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates! Dear Friends and Colleagues, If you look closely at the landscape of secondary schooling across the nation, you will see a sea…
Explore this thoughtful Q&A with National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) President and CEO Paolo DeMaria as he shares his journey as a public servant and state leader in Ohio as well as a nationally regarded education policy voice.
Earlier this year, the Carnegie Postsecondary Commission released its inaugural vision paper, “Revitalizing Higher Education: A Blueprint for Transformative Change.” As a precursor to this release, we commissioned the HEA Group to produce three baseline papers, as the Commission considered ideas and endeavors that will lead to transformational change of…
At Carnegie, the heart of our work is to make education a much more powerful engine of economic opportunity for all. We are working to transform the American high school, partnering with the XQ Institute, pathfinding educators, school systems, and states and leading institutions across the nation.
Explore this illuminating Q&A with Carnegie Foundation Board Chair Diane Tavenner as she discusses her journey from the K12 sector to launching her latest venture. Discover Diane’s framework for categorizing post-high school learning pathways and read about her strong belief in empowering young people with transparent, actionable information about post-high…
At the end of a demanding and dynamic school year, we naturally want to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. My thoughts also turn to the hundreds of thousands of teachers and mentors – in classrooms, after-school programs, and internships, at work and volunteer opportunities, and on practice fields –…
In this insightful Q&A, Diego Arambula, Vice President for Educational Transformation at Carnegie Foundation, delves deeper into the topics introduced in a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article, The Next Update of the Carnegie Classification Will Be Its Biggest Yet. Diego brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective…
Jenna Hua, Carnegie Foundation Post-Baccalaureate Fellow, presented her undergraduate research alongside Wellesley College Professor Stephen Chen in a poster session at the 2024 Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Conference in April. With research indicating a low sense of belonging among immigrant college students, coupled with the rise of xenophobia…
The Economist recently profiled GRAD Partnership, a partnership organization Carnegie Foundation joined in 2022 to bring the use of evidence-based student success systems from a new practice to a common practice. Manzano High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico was profiled in the piece for having worked with the GRAD Partnership…
Last month, I had the pleasure of being part of a fireside chat with Russlynn Ali (CEO, XQ Institute) and Tom Vander Ark (CEO, Getting Smart). In the session, Russlynn reminded us the time is now to join together to transform secondary schooling, and those who engage, invest, and advocate…
Akron Public Schools (APS), a member of the Carnegie Learning Leadership Network based in Ohio, completed its inaugural Changemaker Challenge, an initiative encouraging students to become community leaders by identifying and proposing creative solutions to local issues. Students across the district were actively engaged in projects ranging from environmental conservation…
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