The Carnegie Foundation catalyzes transformational change in education so that every student has the opportunity to live a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling life.
We work closely with educators, district leaders, policymakers, businesses, and innovators from public, private, and nonprofit sectors. We’d love for you to join us.
By Carnegie Foundation, American Council on Eduacation’s Mushtaq Gunja and Sara Gast
The American Council on Education (ACE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching today unveiled a new website as part of their efforts to reimagine the Carnegie Classifications and modernize the nation’s leading framework for grouping institutions of higher education.
This is the second post in a three-part series offering a behind-the-scenes perspective of the Carnegie Summit and sharing stories of our improvement community.
This week the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching joins the Sharjah Education Academy’s International Summit on Improvement in Education. Carnegie’s own Tim Knowles, Paul LeMahieu, Tony Bryk, Jojo Manai, and Marytza Gawlik will each present to the Sharjah community about the tools, principles and methods of improvement science,…
First in a three-part series offering a behind-the-scenes perspective of the Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education and sharing stories of the improvement community.
This series of blog posts presents resources for educators from the 2021 Summit on Improvement in Education (and elsewhere). This offering includes the second volume of resources focused on Leadership.
In early October, Phoenix Union High School District (PXU) hosted participants of the Carnegie Learning Leadership Network (Carnegie LLN) to reimagine high schools and move beyond time-based models of learning like the Carnegie Unit.
This series of blog posts presents resources for educators from the 2021 Summit on Improvement in Education (and elsewhere). This is the third blog post, and it focuses on Data and Measurement.
This series of blog posts presents resources for educators from the 2021 Summit on Improvement in Education (and elsewhere). This is the first blog post focusing on leadership.
This series of three papers presents a set of frameworks designed to assist educational leaders in making concrete improvements that advance deeper learning instruction at scale. They were produced by three study teams convened by the Carnegie Foundation and made up of members of research-practice partnerships and external experts with…
Carnegie Board Chair Diane Tavenner and President Tim Knowles discuss how technology and personal relationships can be combined to create a resilient learning community and why the Carnegie Unit must be reconsidered to stay effective and relevant.
Writer and educator David Kirp talks to Carnegie President Tim Knowles about scalable and sustainable programs in New York, Georgia, and Columbia that are getting teaching and learning right.
Tim Knowles talks with Carnegie board chair Lillian Lowery about the importance of teachers of color, the changing role of assessment, and the future of the classroom.
Lumina Foundation President Jamie Merisotis talks with Tim Knowles about the need for innovation in the post-secondary sector: “Our top priority as a country has to be to narrow and ultimately eliminate those large racial gaps that exist in American society.”
Christopher Emdin and Timothy Knowles share a microconversation about the impact of poverty on the imagination, the role of “freestyleability” and “ratchetdemics” in the classroom, and how teachers are performance artists and students their works of art.