Unlocking Career Opportunities: July 2024 Carnegie Foundation Newsletter

This is just a preview of what’s included in our July newsletter, featuring an opening letter from our president, Timothy Knowles. Click below to explore all the updates!
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
At Carnegie, the heart of our work is to make education a much more powerful engine of economic opportunity for all. We are working to transform the American high school, partnering with the XQ Institute, pathfinding educators, school systems, and states and leading institutions across the nation. And we aim to accelerate social and economic mobility across the post-secondary sector, working in close partnership with the American Council on Education, the Carnegie Postsecondary Commission, and innovative postsecondary institutions across the globe.
While we believe the most powerful antidote to our nation’s challenges is education, we also recognize that often what undermines young people’s efforts to find fulfilling careers has little to do with what happens in school. Rather it is the stunning absence of robust and universal pathways to support young people on their journeys from school to career. As a result, many talented, hardworking young people find themselves with degrees and marketable skills, but unable to translate those assets into livable wages and purposeful careers…
July 24, 2024
Explore this illuminating Q&A with Carnegie Foundation Board Chair Diane Tavenner as she discusses her journey from the K12 sector to launching her latest venture. Discover Diane’s framework for categorizing post-high school learning pathways and read about her strong belief in empowering young people with transparent, actionable information about post-high…
July 30, 2024
Earlier this year, the Carnegie Postsecondary Commission released its inaugural vision paper, “Revitalizing Higher Education: A Blueprint for Transformative Change.” As a precursor to this release, we commissioned the HEA Group to produce three baseline papers, as the Commission considered ideas and endeavors that will lead to transformational change of…