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Developmental Progressions Framework

The Developmental Progressions Framework describes aspects of a partnership between a school district and university that can be used to set goals and identify next actions to deepen and strengthen the collaborative relationship.

Co-constructed in early 2018 with members of the Improvement Leadership Education and Development (iLEAD) network and consisting of rubrics, the Developmental Progressions Framework identifies 24 areas of work critical to the effectiveness, reach, and sustainability of partnerships. These include areas specific to postsecondary institutions (e.g., faculty development and promotion); K-12 districts and schools (e.g., district leadership engagement); and to the partnership itself (e.g., partnership relationships). The Developmental Progressions framework affords higher education institutions and their district K-12 partners a common way to communicate with one another, organize joint work, and monitor progress over time.

Developmental Progressions (pdf)

Related resources

To learn more about the partnerships that were part of developing the Framework and how the districts and institutes of higher education used the Developmental Progressions in their work, please see: