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Improvement Coaching Casebook and Discussion Guide

This casebook and discussion guide is designed for improvement coaches, individually and in groups, to learn through reflecting on and analyzing instances of coaching practice. The guide includes categories of coaching dilemmas, a discussion protocol, and coaching considerations. Watch the related video for an introduction to the categories and the protocol.

This casebook and discussion guide is a resource to support improvement coaches to reflect on and discuss their practice in ways that enable them to learn and to refine their skillsets. It includes scenarios drawn from the practice of real coaches working with improvement teams and networks in the education space.

The scenarios speak to different challenges that improvement teams encounter related to specific methods of improvement, the work of organizing and leading social learning activity, and navigating the context in which an improvement effort sits.

A discussion protocol and related reflection sheet guide participants through different considerations that may inform how a coach responds when working with an improvement team or members of that team. Those considerations include identifying the kinds of issues the improvers may be navigating, aligned to four categories of improvement coaching challenges that emerged from interviews with improvement coaches.

The coaching considerations and protocol can be used with the written scenarios of practice offered in the casebook as a way for a group of coaches to discuss practice. In addition, the protocol can structure a discussion among coaches about a situation that a coach is actively navigating in their work, as a way to gather input and to explore possible coaching paths.

Download the Improvement Coaching Casebook and Discussion Guide (PDF)

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