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Improvement Reviews

Improvement Reviews are structured sessions for improvement teams and networks to ask for and receive feedback on specific aspects of their work. Scheduled at intervals during an improvement effort, reviews provide an opportunity for presenting teams to reflect on their work and to invite feedback from reviewers with outside perspective and relevant expertise related to specific problems of practice.

Improvement Reviews are a formal, protocol-driven process in which senior improvement specialists review the activities and progress of an improvement project or networked improvement community, with particular attention given to the use of improvement methodologies. Improvement Reviews provide a “critical friendship” that can maximize improvement learning and the achievement of aims by a project team or NIC. Reviews of networks can also attend to the health and effectiveness of the network as a social learning organization engaged in improvement science.

Watch this session, recorded during the Summit on Improvement in Education in 2021, to learn more about the improvement review protocol and see a demonstration of an educator team giving an improvement review live during the session, with coaching from external improvement advisors: