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Introduction to Networked Improvement Basics℠ is an online course that introduces how improvement science brings discipline and specific methods to problem solving to improve outcomes reliably at scale. Participants develop conceptual understanding of the principles and practices of improvement science and build skills to apply improvement methods to real problems of practice. This course is fee-based.

Introduction to Networked Improvement BasicsSM prepares educators, leaders, and support providers to use improvement science tools and methodologies to tackle persistent educational problems and advance equitable outcomes and systems. Grounded in a case-based simulation, participants build foundational knowledge in improvement science and develop mindsets that are supportive of an improvement approach to change.

Course Page

Offered on our online learning platform, this self-paced course includes adaptive learning modules and application-focused assignments. Cohort enrollment may include options to participate in live webinars with Carnegie faculty as well as to receive instructor support and feedback on assignments.

See all of the courses in Carnegie’s Professional Learning catalog:

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