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The Carnegie Teaching Commons is a searchable collection of instructional resources for the teaching of improvement science and networked improvement communities. The Commons is designed for use by coaches, facilitators and leaders who are developing the dispositions and skills of others to use improvement science and learn together in networks.

The Teaching Commons seeks to advance quality and excellence in the teaching and learning of improvement science and networked improvement communities. The collection of instructional materials in the Commons address topics in improvement science, improvement analytics, and building and supporting learning networks and NICs, and content ranges from introductory to advanced. All materials are designed to support facilitators and instructors with improvement experience to engage others in learning.

This online platform provides a comprehensive library of instructional resources, such as slide decks, activity guides, and session agendas with instructor notes. Individual sessions range from 45 minutes to several hours, and can be combined to create longer workshops. Those who use the materials in the Commons attest that materials are used only for informational, personal, or noncommercial purposes, and are asked to share any modifications that they make and feedback on the materials so that we can continue to expand and improve the collection.