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The Psychology of Change in Improvement

This session, recorded at the 2021 Summit on Improvement in Education, explores the human side of change. Grounded in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Psychology of Change Framework, the session includes reflections from a panel of leaders about their work supporting improvement in their contexts.

The improvement science approach to solving problems involves capacity building in the technical skills needed to effectively implement this disciplined approach to change, as well as in the knowledge and skillset required to navigate the adaptive challenges associated with the human side of change. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) defines the psychology of change as “the science and art of human behavior as it relates to transformation.” The IHI Psychology of Change Framework presents five domains of practice and associated methods that can be utilized to activate people’s agency, enabling them to act with purpose.  In this session, participants will explore aspects of the psychology of change framework through interactive activities, real-life examples from a panel of experts, and a Q&A. To get the most out of this session, participants should review the framework prior to joining.

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