Spotlight on Quality in Continuous Improvement
About Spotlight
Over the past 13 years, the Carnegie Foundation has been in the vanguard of an emerging movement in education by promoting the use of improvement science methods in the field and fostering the development of networked communities dedicated to addressing some of the most persistent problems in our nation’s schools. Here and around the world, thousands of school district leaders, principals, teachers, policymakers, researchers, and administrators are taking up these methods and challenging existing norms, learning new practices of continuous improvement, and reinforcing a collective commitment to improve schools.
In light of the swift and enthusiastic take-up of these ideas by so many individuals and groups, Carnegie launched the Spotlight on Quality in Continuous Improvement program in 2017 to provide clear and powerful examples of the rigorous application of improvement principles, methods, and tools to solve educational problems. The Spotlight program seeks to:
- Inspire those educational leaders new to improvement science and wondering what its application looks like in practice
- Support those already working on an improvement project but want to get better at how they pursue their efforts
- Celebrate and learn from those making real progress