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New Visions for Public Schools

New Visions for Public Schools serves New York City Public Schools. As the nation’s largest school district, New York City Public Schools serves more than one million students. Almost 77 percent of NYC public school students are classified as living in poverty, 12.5 percent are English language learners, and 18.7 percent have disabilities. New Visions serves more than 110,000 of these students in three distinct sets of schools in New York City. These include 10 charter schools, 69 Affinity schools, and approximately 140 community schools that are part of a citywide initiative to improve schools by providing comprehensive wrap around services.

New Visions identified increasing on-time graduation rates as a key problem to solve. Using continuous improvement approaches, New Visions mapped the pipeline to on-time graduation, identified where the system was producing the most leaks, and tested a series of changes. The school network built new data and management systems at the school and district levels to inform and facilitate this work at scale. Between 2013, when this work began, and last year, graduation rates in New Visions Affinity schools increased by 9.1 percentage points and college readiness rates increased by 16 percentage points.