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Quality Improvement Team Addresses Reliability and Continuous Improvement

February 28, 2017

“How do we reliably deliver evidence-based healthcare in partnership with patients, families, communities?” A quality improvement team from the Geisel School of Medicine and the University of Missouri, School of Medicine, presented their ongoing research on this question at the Carnegie Foundation.  Linda A. Headrick, MD, MS; Greg Ogrinc, MD, MS; Kimberly G. Hoffman, PhD; and colleagues developed the Exemplary Care and Learning Sites (ECLS) model as an approach to achieving continual improvement in care and learning in medical clinical settings. ECLSs teach the methodology of improvement science and quality improvement to physician residents, doctors who practice medicine under the direct or indirect supervision of an attending physician as a stage of graduate medical training. An ECLS is clinical care site that produces patient-centered care by continually working to improve patient (and population) outcomes, system performance, and professional development. Examining the ECLS may offer innovation insight for conducting continuous quality improvement in other education settings such as teacher preparation programs or school districts. Read more here.