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What We’re Watching: Jeff Duncan-Andrade’s Fools, Foes, or Freedom: Which One Will We Feed?

March 23, 2017

Our 2017 Summit on Improvement in Education is just around the corner, and we’re watching keynote speaker Jeff Duncan-Andrade’s inspiring and challenging presentation, “Fools, Foes, or Freedom: Which One Will We Feed?” He provides a comprehensive explanation about the difference between “equality” and “equity”, making it clear why we all must strive to achieve an equitable education model. He also explains the difference between the “schooling paradigm” and the “education paradigm,” and points to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a theory that should be an essential truth in pedagogy. Duncan-Andrade’s ideas have many correspondences with the six core principles of improvement, including “make the work problem-specific and user-centered” and “see the system that produces the current outcomes.” We’re excited to learn more at the 2017 Summit.