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R&D Agenda to Transform High School

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is honored to welcome our expert workgroup, research collaborators, and methods advisors to guide the co-creation of our research and development agenda to transform U.S. high school education. These organizations and individuals have been selected for their extensive expertise, steadfast dedication, bold vision, and courageous leadership to improve education at multiple levels.

Through their combined experience, insights, and connections to those most directly impacted or implicated by the transformations we seek for our education system, their contributions will be instrumental in anchoring the R&D agenda in the realities and possibilities for these transformations.

Expert Workgroup Organizations

Our expert workgroup consists of leaders from organizations representing the perspectives of both lived-experience and professional experts, including students, families, educators, administrators, and intermediaries spanning K-12 and postsecondary education, out-of-school time, and workforce development.

Research Collaborators

Our research collaborators represent deep scholarly expertise across multiple areas relevant to these transformations, including the assessment and development of transferable skills, competency-based education, project-based learning, culturally sustaining pedagogy, student engagement, child development, and implementation science.

Methods Advisors

Our methods advisors bring additional expertise in studying the use of evidence in educational decision-making, conducting economic evaluations, and facilitating priority-setting partnerships to inform research agendas.