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Online Program in Improvement Science

University of Michigan Offers MicroMasters Certificate in Education

Starting in January 2017 on the edX platform, the University of Michigan will offer a MicroMasters program in Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement, including three courses focused specifically on improvement science.

Donald J. Peurach, Carnegie Fellow and Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Michigan, designed the online program to introduce and then immerse students in improvement science, including the concept of networked improvement communities.

Learners across the globe can advance in their professions by earning a certificate at the end of the series of courses. And, if they choose to enroll at Michigan, students can earn credit toward a graduate degree before setting foot on campus. The online courses can count toward credit for any of four master’s degrees: Educational Leadership and Policy, Teaching and Learning, New Media and New Literacies, or Urban Pedagogy.

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What leaders are saying

The Carnegie Foundation’s work in improvement science with networked improvement communities offers a new and effective R&D strategy for addressing persistent, high-leverage problems we face in education. I am delighted that these principles and methods are now more broadly available to education leaders worldwide through the University of Michigan MicroMasters in Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement.
— Anthony S. Bryk, President, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

“Creating more opportunities for educators to grow and learn from each other is absolutely critical to moving our education system to the next level. In Tennessee’s networked improvement communities, educators are building deeper understanding of problems and how to tackle them together. I’m glad that many of their insights will now be available for more teachers to learn from so we can ensure each child has the opportunity to receive a world-class education, no matter where they are.”
— Candice McQueen, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Education

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