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Assessing the First Two Years’ Effectiveness of Statway: A Multilevel Model with Propensity Score Matching

Statway is a multifaceted change initiative designed to address the complex problems that impede student success and accelerate students’ progress through their developmental math sequence to acquiring college math credit in statistics. This study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of Statway during its first two years of implementation by means of a multilevel model with propensity score matching. We found large effects of Statway on students attaining college math credit with persisting effects into the following year as Statway students also accumulated more college-level credits. These improved outcomes emerged for each gender and race/ethnicity groups and for students with different math placement levels. This study provided robust evidence that Statway increases student success in acquiring college math credit and enhances equity in student outcomes.

The final version of this manuscript was published in the July 2016 issue of Community College Review.