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Registration is open for the 2022 Carnegie Summit. Register now!

Registration Fees

$625 —  Standard Rate

Summit pre-conference courses will be offered for only in-person attendance. Pre-conference course registration provides you with access to a full-day course on March 27 with continental breakfast and lunch. In order to participate in a pre-conference course, you must also be registered to attend the general conference in person.


In-person attendee rate

  • $995 General
  • $895 Group
  • $695 Full-Time Student
  • $695 Full-Time K–12 Teacher

Remote attendee rate

  • $595 General
  • $495 Group
  • $395 Full-Time Student
  • $395 Full-Time K–12 Teacher

In-person general conference registration includes access to all keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking activities. As previously noted, pre-conference courses on March 27 require a separate registration fee.

Remote general conference registration includes livestream access to all keynotes and a select set of breakout sessions designed to engage both in-person and remote attendees. In addition, networking activities will be offered that are designed exclusively for remote attendees.

Both in-person and remote general conference registration includes access to the Summit Digital Library, which will include session materials and resources, following the March event.


Special Rates


A group of five or more attendees registering together in a single registration transaction will automatically receive a discounted rate of $895 per in-person attendee and $495 per remote attendee. To access this rate, the primary contact (i.e., Group Leader) should register first, then click the “Add Group Member” button at the bottom of the registration summary page to add additional registrants to the group. The discount of $100 will be deducted from each person’s registration rate on the Payment page. The group discount cannot be applied retroactively, so be sure to register your entire group together at the same time.

Please note that the group discount is applicable only to registrants paying the standard rate for the general conference. It cannot be combined with other special discounts or rates, nor does it apply to the pre-conference course registration fee.


Student registrations are available at the special rate of $695 for in-person attendees and $395 for remote attendees. Only full-time undergraduate or graduate students who are currently enrolled at an accredited, degree-granting college or university are eligible for the student rate. To access this rate, choose “Full-Time Student” from the dropdown menu on the registration system page where you will be prompted to enter your registration details.

To qualify for this rate, you must upload documentation verifying your status. Accepted documentation includes a student ID card (with the current academic year included or with a valid, unexpired expiration date) or an official schedule showing full-time enrollment. Your registration will remain pending while your documentation is reviewed.


Teacher registrations are available at the special rate of $695 for in-person attendees and $395 for remote attendees. Only full-time teachers at K–12 institutions are eligible for the teacher rate—that is, it does not apply to administrators at school sites or districts. To access this rate, choose “Full-Time K–12 Teacher” from the dropdown menu on the registration system page where you will be prompted to enter your registration details. Accepted documentation includes a teacher ID card (with the current academic year included or with a valid, unexpired expiration date), an official schedule detailing your current teaching assignments, or an official letter confirming your status. Your registration will be pending while your documentation is reviewed.


Registration Policies for the 2022 Summit


You may change your mode of attendance (in-person or remote) up to the start of the conference by emailing

From remote to in-person registration: You will be charged the difference between the in-person and remote registration rates.

From in-person to remote registration: Changes requested by March 11 will be refunded the difference between registration rates minus a $100 processing fee. Changes requested after March 11 are ineligible for a refund of the difference between the in-person and remote attendee registration rates.

If you are no longer able to attend the Summit—in-person or remotely—you may transfer your registration to someone else by March 21, 2022. Transfers must be requested by the original registrant, with the collaboration of the new registrant, using this form. The transfer is not complete until the new registrant receives a confirmation email from Summit Registration.

Cancellations completed prior to March 12, 2022, will receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. Cancellations completed after March 12, 2022, are ineligible for a refund. Refunds may be granted after March 12, 2022, if a registrant is unable to attend the General Conference due to a family death, illness, or other extraordinary circumstance. In such a circumstance, these requests must be emailed to Refunds will be subject to the $100 processing fee.

2022 Summit Terms and Conditions 

Change made by Carnegie Foundation to a fully remote conference

In the event that the spread of COVID variants results in the Carnegie Foundation pivoting to a fully virtual Summit, in-person registrants will be switched to remote registrants. Affected registrants will be eligible to receive a refund of the difference between the in-person and remote registration fees.  If affected registrants choose to not participate remotely, they may cancel their registration and will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fees.  All refund requests must be made by March 11, 2022 by emailing  The Carnegie Foundation is not responsible for travel, lodging, transportation, or other fees paid independently of conference registration.

Consent to Use Photographic Images

By registering and attending this event, you acknowledge that photographs, screenshots, and/or videos of you may be taken by our conference staff and/or hired photographers at any time. Furthermore, you grant the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching permission to use photographs, screenshots, and/or video of your likeness in any type of media, including websites and print publications, without compensation or reward.

Consent to Health and Safety Guidelines

The Carnegie Foundation is working closely with the Hilton San Diego Bayfront to ensure your safety during this event.  All in-person attendees are required to provide evidence they are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

All in-person attendees understand and acknowledge that there currently exists a global pandemic associated with the disease COVID-19, that they are participating in this event at their own risk, that any safety precautions designed to protect against the spread of COVID-19 undertaken by the Carnegie Foundation does not guarantee that in-person attendees will not contract COVID-19, and that, it is the in-person attendees’ specific intent to affirm their foregoing release of the Carnegie Foundation with respect to any personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death they may experience from COVID-19 in connection with their participation in this event.

By registering and attending this event, all in-person attendees agree to abide by the federal, state and/or local guidelines relative to COVID-19, as well as any additional precautions deemed necessary by Summit planners at the time of the event. This may include, but is not limited to, obtaining a negative COVID-19 test 72 hours prior to the Summit, social distancing, the wearing of face coverings, hand sanitation, daily health questionnaires, or other health and safety precautions.

In-person registrants acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Summit, in-person registrants voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold the Carnegie Foundation or any of their affiliates, employees, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

In-person registrants agree to self-monitor during the event for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever, cough, and shortness of breath) and immediately contact the Carnegie Foundation staff on-site should they test positive for COVID-19 or experience symptoms of COVID-19.

Should an in-person attendee develop COVID-19, they agree to be tested and to allow contact tracing to notify anyone they may have come in contact with at the event that they may have exposed. Their personal information will not be disclosed to any other attendee.

Consent to Use Registrant Information

The Carnegie Foundation may publish a list of event participants including your name, title, and organization as listed on the registration form. We will not publish your email address or phone information. As part of your Summit registration, you will be added to the Carnegie Foundation mailing list to receive Summit updates and other Carnegie events and news.

By registering for this event, you grant permission for the Carnegie Foundation to use your information for these purposes unless you have opted-out on the personal information page during the registration process.

Disclaimer for Remote Registrants

The Carnegie Foundation may provide you online access to and use of the event via the internet by use of an attendee-provided browser. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining at its own expense all equipment needed to access the event, including but not limited to Internet access and adequate bandwidth.

Statement of Liability

Except where prohibited by applicable law, the Carnegie Foundation does not bear any legal liability or responsibility for the safety or health of any attendee participating in this event. The Carnegie Foundation disclaims any liability for the acts of any outside entities related to this event.

The Carnegie Foundation shall not be liable for any delays or failure in performance or interruption of services resulting directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Carnegie Foundation including but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, failure of transportation, weather, accidents, fires, electrical failures, strikes, labor disputes, postal delays, explosions, pandemics and other contagions, and government orders or regulations. If the event is cancelled or delayed, the Carnegie Foundation is not responsible for travel, lodging, transportation, or other fees paid independently of conference registration.

See the FAQs for more details.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the registration process, please review the Summit FAQs. If you need additional information, contact us at 650-566-5570 or