Creating Strong Ecosystems that Support Student Well-Being

75-min | Livestreamed
Focus Areas: Data and Measurement; Improvement Capability; Student and staff social emotional wellbeing; System Transformation Toward Continuous Improvement; Equity, Diversity, and Belonging; Transformational Secondary School Learning

The Colorado Education Initiative leads Youth Connections, a network of 13 districts that are working to provide a culture and climate that meets students’ and adults’ social, emotional, and academic needs. An initiative in Berkeley County, West Virginia, brings together leaders in six schools, local first responders, and local mental health providers to identify students at risk of trauma, train educators how to address trauma, and coach leaders to continuously improve using data-driven decision-making. Taking a systemic approach, these networks will share how they are working successfully to create strong ecosystems that support student mental health and well-being.


Amy Spicer, Vice President, Implementation Design, Colorado Education Initiative
Finessa Ferrell, Social Emotional Learning Specialist, Colorado Education Initiative
Marcus Bratton, Director, Implementation and Partnership, Colorado Education Initiative
Victoria Schaefer, Principal Education Researcher, SRI International
Doug Gagnon, Senior Education Researcher, SRI International
Hannah Kelly, Research Associate, SRI International
Pat Patton, Research Associate, Berkeley County Schools
Elizabeth McCoy, Principal, Berkeley County Schools, SRI Education
Andrea Darr, Director, WV Center for Children’s Justice, WV State Police