Moving from Theory to Action: Accelerating Consolidation and Spread

75-min | In-Person
Focus Areas: Improvement Capability, Spread and Scale

In this session, the New Tech Network College Access Network will present early results in student outcomes based on three years of work on several key primary drivers of college access. We will share evidence of improvement in FAFSA, TASFA, and CADAA completion and college application rates, and examine one of the key network structures we believe has led to these results: a robust, timely, and targeted learning consolidation and spread strategy. Participants will examine the NTN College Access Network’s consolidation and spread approach, access the change packages that resulted from these efforts, and discuss implications for their own work.


Matthew Swenson, Senior Director of College Access and Network, New Tech Network
Ann Helfman, Director of College Access, New Tech Network
Kim Burdi, Continuous Improvement and College Access Coach, New Tech Network