The Future of High School: Early College High Schools and Continuous Improvement
75-min | In-Person
Focus Areas: Equity, Diversity, and Belonging; Student Attainment; Student and staff social emotional wellbeing; Transformational Secondary School Learning
Imagine a world where every high school student graduates with college credits, workplace certifications, or even an associate degree. That is the world that we are trying to build at Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy, an Early College high school. Within this vision, we have a serious problem of practice: increasing the number of male Black and Latino students enrolled in our Early College program. Join us as we tell the story of how we are leveraging continuous improvement practices and Student Voice to meet our AIM of increasing Black and Latino male participation through belonging and peer support.
Daniel Heylin, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Coordinator and Data Strategist, Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy, Chicago Public Schools
Nancy Sandoval, Early College Program Coordinator, Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy, Chicago Public Schools